Saturday, May 22, 2010

Not Over Yet

In Canada this is a long weekend, and thank God for that. I could sure use the rest.

Things at work should settle down in a few more weeks, but currently there are still around a zillion things to do and they all need to be done right away. I'm still working 9.5 to 10 hour days with barely enough break time to inhale some food now and then. I can't wait until it's all done.

I love the new workspace, but it's disorienting to be in a new building after 8 years in the old one. For example, my new desk drawers are on the right side of my desk. They used to be on my left. I keep habitually swiping at the air on my left to get to my files, but there's nothing there.

I went back to our old space to look for a step-stool that got left behind on moving day. Those little suckers cost $90 each to buy new, so it was worth the time. The new tenants had already started renovating the space. I went in thinking I knew where to look for the step-stool, because I knew which room I had last seen it in. When I got there, that room didn't exist anymore. All the internal walls had been rearranged. Like I said, disorienting!

(I did find the little step-stool. It was in a corner, crying because we had left it behind. Poor thing. I brought it to the new place and reunited it with its friends, the archived files. Then everyone was happy again.)

There's a gym in our new building, right next door to us. The gym owner is very keen to get us all signed up for memberships. He talks to me because I'm in a position of authority, trying to sell the gym to me and my staff. He's a nice young guy, but we have nothing in common. I asked him if he was getting away for the long weekend, but he said no. There wasn't enough time. He won't go regular camping. It's only worth it to him to go Extreme Camping, on uninhabited islands, with no tent. Of course. Extreme Camping. Like I said, we have nothing in common.

Speaking of my indoorsy, nerdish tendencies, I just ordered a 6" Kindle as a reward to myself for surviving the move. If you have a Kindle and you hate it, please don't tell me in the comments. I really need something to look forward to. I'm not sure if I'll love it or not, but I like the idea of being able to download new books anywhere. Lately I have trouble finding time to go to the bookstore, and the books I've been grabbing from paperback spinners at the supermarket are pretty crap. The last one was so bad I chucked it in the recycling bin at the end of the first chapter. So, I hope the Kindle works out.

Alright. That's it for me for now. I'm going to go out and wander around downtown with Ken, rain or no rain. What are we going to do? Whatever the heck we want, for a change!


Dianne said...

I hope you are having a wonderful wandering time
Sounds like you deserve it!!

I survived several office moves and renovations in my day. It's not easy

Hope sends hugs :)

Jameil said...

YAY LONG WEEKEND!!!! PARTY AT YOUR PLACE!!! The thought of you habitually swiping at the air gave me a jolt of joy! Lolol. The transition is the weirdest part when everything is different then suddenly yay! Things are happy & as they should be! :)

Anonymous said...

A Kindle? Cuz books are obsolete

Anonymous said...

HOORAY for long weekends and finished moves! Yes, there are always going to be little things to clean up -- moving a business is like herding cats, after all -- but at least the nasty is over.

Breathe deep and LIVE.

Karen said...

I have the Kindle and I didn't think I would like it, but I do. I actually love it. My problem is that I love to pass books around when I love them and the Kindle makes that impossible.

DarcsFalcon said...

Yay for being done the big move! The little things will get done in time, no worries. :)

And I'm so happy for the poor little step stool! He sounded lonely. ;)

Glad things are going well. Enjoy your long weekend, and the new Kindle.

Would you believe I tried to convince Darc that the idea I had about 12 years ago was a good one? It was for this little electronic reader thing where you could download books ...

Warped Mind of Ron said...

Here's to a new adventure in the new building. BTW watch that little step stool, sometimes being abandoned like that can be traumatizing and it can come up in many different ways.

San said...

I have nothing in common with an Extreme Camper either. The last time I went camping--just regular camping, not extreme--it was with my kids when they were younger. We actually had several lovely days in a tent in the Rockies, but when we broke camp, we hightailed it to Aspen, checked into a hotel, and ordered hot fudge sundaes from room service to balance out the roughing-it factor.

Just think. If the camping bug does bite you, you can pack your Kindle.

Jenski said...

Glad the stool was reunited with its office mates. Stepping into thin air where the stool should have been would have been tragic. Here's to getting used to your new space!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Ileana said...

In the US this upcoming weekend is a long weekend AND I NEED IT!! I plan to get our pool ready on Sat. and enjoy it Sunday and Monday without thinking ONCE about work!

Let me know how the kindle works. Sounds like a great gift for yourself. Maybe I'll get one down the line...or put it on my Christmas wish list (for Santa...because my husband won't be able to afford it after paying for the travel hockey season!).