Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Stroll Down Yonge St.

Yonge St. runs north-south down the middle of Toronto. At one time the Guiness Book of World Records had it listed as the longest street in the world. I love Yonge St. because it's got character to spare.

This old clock tower protrudes above the storefronts one block north of College Park Mall. (That's where I ran into the girl with the gory hands.)

College Park Mall itself is a piece of architectural history. It was opened in 1931. This is the decorative trim on the outside of the building:

An indicator guage over one of the elevators that tells you which floor the car is at. Only the floors open to the public are marked.

A decorative metal grille over one of the entrances:

And just down the street, evidence of Yonge St.'s livelier side, the Zanzibar strip club:

The letters on the Zanzibar sign flash in a complicated pattern. I took shot after shot and could not manage to get one with all the letters lit up. My camera takes its sweet time from the moment I press the trigger button to the time it actually opens the shutter. In the end Ken had to count down for me and yell "NOW!" so that I could get this photo. Thanks, Ken!


Anonymous said...

I like how the sign says "Hot" and "Sinful." I went to a strip club that said "Cold" and "Pious." Oh wait.. That was a convent.

They also offer daily specials... Wouldn't the special be the same every day? I mean it's a strip club. What could they offer that would be so special. Is there a new body part I have not heard of yet?

Clear heels! Oooooh girl you nasty!

Warped Mind of Ron said...

I was enjoying the architectural details, but honestly I really started paying attention when the words strip club appeared. Does that make me a pervert?

Jameil said...

lmao @ y'all standing outside a strip club w/flashing lights and a camera yelling now! lolololol

Keera Ann Fox said...

I want to see Toronto. And you've inspired me to do some more photographing of Bergen. Now that spring is here. You'll understand when I say today was the first time this year I walked home without putting my gloves on.

Sparkling Red said...

Unsigned: Cold and Pious? You're too funny. And the daily special today is elbows. Sexy elbows.

Ron: Yes!
Well, no, it just makes you a guy. What red-blooded man could resist the Zanzibar? I even love how the name sounds. Zanzibar!

Jameil: It was fun. Kind of like playing a big, simple video game with a wonky controller. Has anyone every made a video game based in a strip club environment? I bet that would be a bestseller.

Keera: That would be awesome - I'd love to see your photos. And how did you manage to walk home without gloves on? Is is already warmer in Norway than in Toronto? I haven't gone gloveless here yet.

Leighann said...

What a great post! It's like going on a little mini trip from the comfort of my living room!

R.E.H. said...

Zanzibar here I come!

Yeah, Toronto looks like a nice city indeed. From these pictures I'd sure like to go... not only to walk inside that Zanzibar place either... No, not at all!

The Ex said...

I love it. I'm totally jealous - everything here looks new. Blah.

Karen said...

I so want to go to Zanzibars now.

Jameil said...

lol. i think some games have a strip club in them... or at least scantily-clad women.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the look of Zanzibar. It has too much of that "ooh, look at me, I'm a strip club." Peeler bars should be poorly lit, dank, little holes. That way, nobody sees me go in or come out of one of those places.

Sparkling Red said...

Leighann: Thanks! With the good weather coming, I plan to be out and about the city with my camera as often as possible. :-)

R.E.H.: You could Not Go with Ken. He doesn't want to go at all, either. And how about Whatigotsofar? You could all Not Go together!

The Ex: Yeah, new buildings are usually unexciting. I live in a newer neighbourhood. It's nice and all, but kind of plain.

Karen: Actually, I've never been inside a strip club. I'd go if the opportunity came up, just to satisfy my curiousity. I even used to have a friend who stripped, but her club was really far away so I never got around to going.

Jameil: Oh yes, there's no shortage of scantily clad women in video games!

Whatigotsofar: What, you don't find their facade to be tasteful and discrete? Actually, it might work in your favour. There are so many distracting lights flashing that no one's actually watching the door to see who's going in or out.

Emma Gorst said...

I was like, "weird clock!" and then I realized it was for the elevator. Neat floor indicator!

Sparkling Red said...

Aurora: We're late! Look, it's already a quarter to G!
Oh... wait, sorry, it's just the elevator...

Jenski said...

I love the detail on old buildings. They certainly do not worry about all that jazz anymore. Strip clubs always look classy with their flashing lights though! I totally need to visit Toronto.

Anonymous said...

Would love to take a stroll there.
All the details are amazing!

Sparkling Red said...

Jenski: Strip club facades are usually a lot of fun. I wonder if I'll ever get around to going inside...
And I'll be collecting my commission from the Toronto Tourism board as soon as your flight is booked. ;-)

Nicole: Thanks! That's one of my favourite places to walk. There's a lot to see.

Maxie said...

I love the strip club sign... the ones here are not that cute.