I figured out how to do a few more tricks on my blog, like putting things in Italics. Look how cool this is. Italics! Shweet!!
Next week I will attempt to put things in bold type. Can I do it? I bet you can't stand the suspense.
I also figured out how to embed a YouTube video into a post. I had shied away from this for weeks because I was intimidated by how technical it would probably be. HTML code! OMG!
So. Turns out it's just a cut and paste operation. Not so tricky after all!
In honour of my incredibly draining weekend, I am posting an ad for a new energy beverage. I would like a big, cold can of this stuff, right now. Would anyone care to join me for a Brawndo?
OMG, I want some of that energy drink now. Do you think they sell it in Ohio?
i got :12 in and was so scared i couldn't watch the rest! the gutteral noises kept making me jump back. my fave net toy is strikethrough. i was super excited when i figured that and youtube out. yay!
That drink scares the crap out of me... I'll stick to my Heineken - it does most of these things ;)
Nice to learn new things, isn't it?
i was so proud of myself when i figured out how to put strikethroughs in words and hyperlink in a comment. it was sad. congrats though!
Ron: Apparently you can order it off their website at www.brawndo.com. I haven't seen it at 7-11 yet.
If you do order some, I want to hear about your Brawndo taste experience!
Jameil: Yes, it is a bit shouty.
I just went and looked up how to do strikethroughs. The tool kit expandeth!
R.E.H.: What's scary is that it's REAL. It's based on a completely fake ad for the non-existent product Power Thirst, which you can also find on YouTube. It was supposed to be a joke - and then some genius decided that it should be real. Wild!
Tequila Mockingbird: Thanks. I'll make sure to give myself a pat on the back for my pathetic victory. ;-)
Strikethroughs and hyperlinks in a comment?? I need to catch up. That drink is real and makes you want to have sex with a tractor-trailer truck? The actual truck? That's scary.
I want to learn how to do strikethroughs. Help, please. :)
And congratulations to the original poster on your new skillz. Isn't blogging fun?!?
Jenski: I don't know what having sex with a tractor trailer would be like, but I bet that there would be some serious air-horn blaring. AaaaaOOOOOOOgaaaaaaah!
Rebecca: If you google "HTML strikethrough" you'll be off to the races.
And, Thanks! And, Yes!!
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